Sunday, April 27, 2008

BIA Banquet

So Friday we went to BIA Banquet and had a fabulous time. I love to dress up and it was fun to meet lots of Jeremy's co-workers. Jeremy got an award for selling $9,000,000 in homes. I'm so proud of him!! With the housing market these days new home sells are down, yet somehow he still seems to pull through and finalize the deals. We've had a lot of uncommon favor and pray for continue blessing as we finish off the rest of the year. He's going to make an amazing husband! just can't wait!!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Well, I've finally decided to start a blog... Jeremy and I have so many friends and family that are scattered across the country, and we thought this would be an easy way to keep everyone update on all of the new and exciting adventures.